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Avocado Egg Wrap for Lunch on the Go

I had the best intention of eating breakfast this morning before going to town but didn't get around to it. I got a little sidetracked and it was already 10 am so I decided to wait until lunch. I had a special errand to run in New Roads so I decided to just make something when I got home.

My timing was perfect. I made it back with an anniversary gift and an avocado. I was lazy last night and left the dishes for today, so I didn't want a mess but didn't want to grab take out either. Making this healthy lunch is so much better. I happen to be on a diet at present and have already lost 3 lbs so far. Not bad for week one. Only about 5 more to go!!! And that's where my avocado comes in.

I don't really remember why I even did this the first time and that's okay because I discovered an amazingly quick, healthy wrap for when you need a little something to get you through your day. I'm calling divine intervention on this one. And the best part about the wrap is it's very customizable. Just throw some eggs in a pot, slice an avocado, and wrap it all up. Or add anything else you'd like!

What You'll Need

2 eggs

1 avocado

1 spinach tortilla wrap

1 slice provolone cheese

parmesan cheese

ranch dressing

This is so easy to make. If you can boil water for the eggs then you've got this!

Place 2 eggs in a small pot and cover them with water. The ladies in my life always said that salt helps the eggs peel more easily. Mama knows best so I am very generous with the good stuff. Don't listen to the haters; salt is your friend!

And chocolate, definitely chocolate.

Once you've got that rollin' at a nice boil set a timer for 10 minutes. When the eggs are done run some cold water while you pour off the water from the pot. I pour in spurts to let the cold water catch up with the hot water. You don't want to melt your pipes and this certainly helps. I bet you already knew that though. I like to whack the eggs against the side of the sink and throw them back in cold water. I finish my cracking in the pot and peel away. Rinse and set aside to dry.

I used what I had on hand for my wrap, but spinach is not required for this to be amazing. A regular tortilla will do. Cut a slice of provolone in half and lay it across the tortilla. Or do like me-fold and tear. No one will ever know. When I first did this I used spaghetti cheese as my daddy calls it. This go round I had a little bit of a block parmesan left from alfredo and used that instead. It actually was better because the spaghetti cheese goes everywhere when you go to eat the wrap. Not what I'm looking for here. Take a vegetable peeler and shave a few piece of cheese off. Way better but use what you've got. We're trying to make life easier here.

Now grab that weird little fruit. An avocado is just so good mashed up on its own with chips but is great at playing with others. Cut the avocado in half and pop that seed out. I used the whole avocado but feel free to adjust to your liking. When it comes to something like this, it's all about you. Enjoy the attention!!! Slice and lay over the cheeses. Be sure to leave room for those eggs though.

Slice your eggs and add them to the mix. At this point I may or may not add tomato. It's a lovely addition but I really prefer them when they're in season. Add your favorite dressing and you're done!!! I recommend ranch but again use what works best for you. I had a container of fresh ranch leftover from a salad I picked up after work for JD. He wanted Italian dressing that night. Lucky me!!!

Whatever you choose to do, do you and enjoy.

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